Live Workshops
2 days Vocal Alchemy Accelerated
10 weeks Transform Your Voice
4 hours

Want to see massive vocal improvement in a rocketing 10 week vocal intensive?
Want to unlock sounds you’ve only ever dreamed off? In any style?
Want to sing higher, louder and with more freedom than you’ve ever had?
Want to unlock that rock god in you or find the killer soprano?
Want guaranteed individual time with Tim every week for 10 weeks?
Want all this and MORE with a 100% money-back guarantee?
Strictly 7 places only!
3 hours with Tim Smith, Master Vocal Coach - LIVE for 10 consecutive weeks
= 30 live hours in total.
Vocal improvement from day one, giving you new, wholistic vocal techniques we call 'The Vocal Alchemy Method' which gives you the freedom to sing confidently in every style of singing, sooner.
Regular masterclass environment to ensure individual attention
(strictly limited to 7 participants only.)
+PLUS, included in the cost, you will receive:
1 x 12 month subscription to Vocal Alchemy's 'Elite Vocal Series'
which includes:
32 online video singing lessons
more than 220 accompanying mp3 audio exercises AND
4 rounds of personal feedback from Tim over the 12 month period to help you consolidate the Vocal Alchemy Method, during and after the 10 week intensive.
(valued at $395)
+PLUS, included in the cost, you will also receive:
40 X 7 min super tech, super fast video lessons - our '7 min Vocal Series'
(valued at $160)
Participants will follow the below schedule course of LIVE Masterclasses plus ONLINE lessons. Participants will need access to an online computer for at least two hours per week.
Vocal Alchemy ACCELERATED is guaranteed to empower you to make huge changes in your singing. With the mix of LIVE Masterclasses and online lessons, Tim promises that whatever you want for your voice, he can help you do it!
(See below for more information about the Vocal Alchemy Accelerated Learning Strategy.)
MELBOURNE 2019 September - November
7pm-10pm, Vocal Alchemy Studios, Brighton.
Next round commences 16 September 2019- click here for bookings
a one time payment of $1400 AUD (incl GST) per person
4 payments of $320 = Total Payment $1480 incl GST
Vocal Alchemy’s Accelerated Learning Strategy
VA’s ALS is based on the fact that we learn through repetition. VA ALS uses multiple double back curriculum loops - summary lessons - to ensure new singing techniques are given the chance to become habits. The online videos are further supported with downloadable mp3s that follow the same learning approach and that sometimes contain additional extension exercises.
These new singing processes are based on the following equation of vocal sound:
EMOTION, conveyed EXPRESSIVELY, expanded LINGUISTICALLY, supported TECHNICALLY, overseen ARTISTICALLY = how we sing.
VA ALS focuses on these 5 CORE elements in turn.
EMOTION comes from the primal voice and is without linguistic language. These primal emotive sounds are grunts, moans, screams, cries, laughs, sobs and so on.
These sounds must then be expressed in tonal ways that allow the free-functioning of the body as an instrument, taking into account the emotional, physical and stylistic requirements of the type of music being sung.
Then we add words - or not - that intellectually define those originally primal sounds.
We support this with appropriate technique in areas such as legit, contemporary, the mixing of both or hybrid.
And all of this process is under the direction of the artistic self, grappling with the eternal mysteries of the ‘artistic process'.
Vocal Alchemy's ELITE VOCAL SERIES (of online video and audio education, included in the cost of the 10 week intensive and used to consolidate your progress) explores ALL of this.
Places are STRICTLY limited.
If you have any enquiries form please email
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4 hour Workshop with Tim Smith
Do you want to unlock tone and feel a new vocal freedom?
Do you want the tools to correct the habits that trip you up vocally?
Do you want to acquire and understand the vocal skills that you can count on when it matters the most?
Do you have a vocal issue that you would like to surpass or leave behind?
This workshop was last held in Brisbane 2015 please email us to book a Transform Your Voice workshop in your area.
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The Broadway Voice
2 Day Workshop
+PLUS Online
with Tim Smith
When you secure your place at our next intensive vocal workshop you will get a massive injection of self-growth as an artist and singer - no matter what style you sing.
A new BONUS for 2015, you will also receive our comprehensive, 12 month online vocal course the: Elite Vocal Series to give you all the extra support you need following the intensive weekend.
100% money-back guarantee
It’s 2 days you can’t afford to miss!
What you get:
- practical and interactive 2-day workshop - 14 hours total - perfect for singers, actors, dancers and teachers
- separate sessions on legit, contemporary, belt and mix voice
- demonstrations and explanations, group and individual exercises
- actor/singer-based approach to performance – learn how to use which techniques when
- learn and incorporate advanced broadway techniques including cry, twang and anchoring
- specialised sessions that bring all techniques covered into one practical and simple technical approach
- EVERY participant receives individual instruction throughout the workshop and during the 4-hour masterclass sessions
- EVERY participant receives our 12 month, online Elite Vocal Series which can be used as soon as you have registered, in preparation for the workshop and after, to really consolidate your learning - check out all the great stuff included here.
- Now with more than 30hrs of cutting edge vocal tuition including the online 2015 bonus!
2 different ways to experience 'The Broadway Voice':
PERFORMER – for those wanting to participate in the full, hands-on workshop experience.
OBSERVER – for those wanting to watch others go through the workshop experience.
10.00am-1.00pm The Framework of the Voice - Technical and Artistic
Primal State, Variable Breathing for Legit and Contemporary Voice, Open Breath/Open Sound, Ego vs Vulnerability, Perceptible Effort in Singing, Singing Direction – To The Audience or Away From The Audience, Laryngeal Elevation and Depression, Vocal Fold Onset – 3 types, Fundamental Components of Vocal Sound, False Vocal Fold Retraction, Voice Registers and The ‘Break’, Variable Posture in Singing, Basic Vocal Acoustics
1.00pm-2.00pm Lunch
2.00pm-4.00pm The Legit Voice – The Mechanics and the Art
Primal State – SOB, PLEAD, BEG and SIGH, Legit Vocal Posture, Classical Breathing and Support – appoggio, Legit Vocal Registers, Passagio and ‘The Break’, Low Larynx Position and Technique, The Vertical Italian Vowel, Free Resonance, Thyroid Tilt and Arytenoid Adjustment, Vocal Fold Function, Singer’s Formant – The ‘Ring’ (Squillo)
4.30pm-6.30pm You Sing Solo Masterclass
Solo Masterclass with Tim on vocal technique, song interpretation and technique application, audition preparation, your time to have any vocal problem diagnosed and fixed.
10.00am-1.00pm The Contemporary Voice – The Mechanics and the Art
Primal State – ATTACK, ANGER, UPSET and CRY, Twang, Glottal Onset, Compressed Vowels, Pressure vs Flow, Exhale Technique, Chest Breathing, Anchoring - body, neck and face, Elevated Laryngeal States Including SUPER elevation, Combining Twang and Glottal Sound, Auxilliary Vocal States, Contemporary Vocal Resonance
1.00pm-2.00pm Lunch
2.00pm-4.00pm The Mix Voice/The Blend Voice – The Mechanics and the Art
Primal State – the actor/the self, Mixed Vowels – vertical and horizontal, Variable Vocal Support and Breathing – balancing the legit and the contemporary, Emotional Laryngeal Adjustment, Mixed Vocal Onset – the continuum, Thyroid Tilt vs Horizontal, Twang/Squillo in the Mix.
4.30pm-6.30pm You Sing Solo Masterclass
Solo Masterclass with Tim on vocal technique, song interpretation and technique application, audition preparation, your time to have any vocal problem diagnosed and fixed.
Strictly limited to 15 performer and 20 observer places.
Performer Participant $675 incl GST
Observer Participant $550 incl GST
Discount for current Vocal Alchemy Elite Subscribers:
Performer Participants only $300 incl GST
Observers Participant only $200 incl GST
Need more assistance? - email us!
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