Samantha Leigh Dodemaide
Winner of Rob Guest Endowment Award 2014
King Kong
A Chorus Line
The Producers
Anything Goes
"Since working with Tim, my entire world of singing changed.
He unleashed so many elements and qualities in my voice I would never have even imagined existed. He showed me that I can be a diverse vocalist and that I didn't need to box myself into one kind of singer. He has also made so clear to me how to use my voice to its greatest potential.
My advice to anyone considering learning from Tim is not to waste a moment longer. Anything that you can learn from this man will change your life!
Tim is my GOD OF VOICE. There is no doubt that without Tim, I would not have had the great success in my career in which I've had and I most definately would not be living my dreams!!
He has been there with me, holding my hand, coaching and nurturing me every step of the way. Tim has invested and dedicated so much energy, time, and passion in helping me achieve all in which I have. Tim doesnt just teach, he cares.
Bianca Baycara
The King & I
Officer and a Gentleman
Pacific Overtures
"I just watched Contemporary Resonance - one of the 7 min series videos - it is amazing how Tim can make problems like jaw and tongue tension that has been plaguing my singing for years seem so simple to overcome! His exercises help me get out of my brain and into my body - and most importantly the technique is easy to understand and instantly applicable! Within 5 minutes I can notice the freedom and strength in my belt. Tim's passion and energy for singing is infectious and his techniques bring the best out of my voice.
Perfect timing too! I'm heading in for some final callbacks and can use Tim's techniques in my preparation.
Steve Danielsen
Fiyero in Wicked
Legally Blonde the Musical
"Without him I wouldn't have gotten into Legally Blonde - he is like the oracle of voice training
Alinta Chidzey
Lead roles in West Side Story, Chess & Cats & Singin in the Rain
Dirty Dancing
Leader of the Pack
Jesus Christ Superstar
Dusty the Original Pop Diva
"The voice technique that Tim taught me was extremely helpful...
With reference to the anatomy of vocal and breathing muscles, he taught me in great detail about the fundamentals of good technique, which serve me to this day. His work with me on energy flow helped with phrasing and made high notes in my singing supported and effortless.
Dominique Hamilton
Cats - South East Asian Tour
Dora the Explorer - UK, Middle East
"I'm currently playing Rumpleteaser in Cats touring South Korea. The 7 min lesson: 360 Degree Breathing answered my question and got me back on track in no time. I was able to find the answer to my problem and apply the solution all without leaving my apartment. – What a great tool for touring artists.
Erin Cornell
Grizabella in Cats - Asia Tour
Elphaba - Wicked - Universal Studios
VCA Graduate
"Thanks to the Vocal Alchemy method I found my voice. I learnt how to belt safely and securely which enabled me to play and deliver a vocally stable ‘ Elphaba’ 8 shows a week.
Vocal Alchemy has also taught me more sobby tones allowing my voice a profound sense of freedom & relaxation while singing, providing a more truthful vocal state for character portrayal. If I hadn't of learnt how to create those more sobby relaxed tones I would of never been cast as Grizabella.
Tim is a vocal technician with a vibrant passion for life and to have worked with him one on one is a blessing. It is Tim and Vocal Alchemy that I have to thank for my vocal confidence and sense of 'unfailing self worth'.
Euan Doidge
Marius - Les Miserables
Paul - A Chorus Line
Legally Blonde
"I've been able to explore parts of my voice I didn't know I had - starting with classical and branching out...
Q: What is the most important thing you learned from your training with Tim?
"Not being afraid to make a bad sound
Natsuko Mineghishi
Batchelor of Music First Class Honours
Master of Music - Melbourne University
Master of Music in Contemporary Music - Conservatorium Van Amsterdam
"I was looking for diversity as a performer as well as a teacher for many years. My knowledge was dominated by classical singing and only limited pedagogical information was available on contemporary singing.
Tim's 'Broadway Voice Workshop' offered exactly what I was looking for. His energy, knowledge and skills to demonstrate different styles one after another are rare.
All the information was clearly outlined and delivered with strong passion. He allows everyone to be unique and is genuinely interested in the soul of all performers. The amount of inspiration I got from this was enormous.
Simon Gleeson
Lead role in Les Miserables Australia
Lead role Eureka
Lead role Mamma Mia!
The Royal National Theatre
"A decade ago I was sent to see Tim Smith to prepare for a new role, which required vocal demands outside my comfort zone. Tim's lessons not only prepared me for the role but maintained my vocal stamina throughout the season. What's more, I've used his same vocal principles for every role since!
Danielle Matthews
Lead role in Shirley Bassey Tribute
Inaugural Winner Rob Guest Endowment Award
Victorian College of the Arts
"I first met Tim when I started my Music Theatre Course at the VCA. He was to be my course director but more importantly my vocal coach. I will never forget my first classes with Tim.
Walking into the room waiting to start singing and being told to stand up and yell "GET AWAY FROM MY CAR" and "HEY FRANCESCA" whilst clenching my fists and holding my arms like handle bars and scrunching my face up, looking as unattractive as possible having to emulate the sound of a whining baby! What I didn't know at the time was that those strange and foreign concepts were to become the very basis of my technique as a singer. These exercises were really just a physical representation of technique that becomes somewhat more internal and inbuilt as you progress but I think you could never fully grasp without someone like Tim Smith breaking them down into something very physically visual and making them accessible and understandable. And that in my eyes is what makes Tim such a great vocal coach.
He's ability to take (what seem like) complex concepts and make them simple. After you've worked with Tim you have this aberration "Singing is Simple" When I was performing in Respect the Musical 2007 I had the task of covering many vocal tracks, some of which were high and extremely belty! I was having trouble sitting into some of the high twangy notes comfortably and I went to Tim and said "Please fix this."
At the end of the class I came out with one elastic band in my hand and a practical solution to my problem! Easy. I simply needed to slide up to the note a little more (I now know this is called portamento!) rather than vocally attacking the sound causing my poor old vocal cords to crash and burn. So I had my one rubber band that I was to use in my singing booth to remind me what to do. I would hold the rubber band between two hands and when I needed to reach a high note I would stretch it wider in a sliding motion and copy the physical action vocally. So I used that rubber band for a week until the concept sat in my body. Three years on that concept is still as solid as ever and as I reach for a note, in my head I see the rubber band in-front of me every time. These visual reminders are simply brilliant and work for the advanced singer and the novice. Aside from Tim's technical brilliance, the thing I love about his classes is that they are so much fun! Yes pure simple fun! And this in the end is so much more important than anything else. When I lose the sense of fun in singing I honestly lose my ability to sing well and they are the Time's when I need Tim's coaching the most! When I walk out of a class with Tim I always feel uplifted because I have (in that hour) been reminded why I choose to be a singer in the first place. Because it makes me feel joyous, and it's so easy in this industry to get the joy sucked out of you! Tim's classes are like a spiritual experience - he taught me to "breathe with heart" to "sing with heart" That may sound nebulous and flimsy but it's the best advice I ever got.
The day that I finally understood what it was to connect my learnt vocal technique to my heart was when I realized there was no limit to my vocal expression and nothing I couldn't do as a singer and doors just began to open up for me.
What more can I say...the man's a genius and I'm so lucky to be able to learn from him.
Watch Danielle doin' the blues in Japan!
John Powell
Active Artists Management
"I have been associated with Tim Smith since I became an agent in 2000. As a singing teacher & vocal coach Tim has trained numerous singers (& continues to) for the grueling 8 show per week regimen of a Musical Theatre career. Tim’s diligence and professionalism are second to none – and he always endeavors to extend his student's vocal range – & as such their increased capacity for employment in this ultra competitive field.

Martin Croft
Les Miserables
Miss Saigon
Phantom of The Opera
The Boy from Oz
Jesus Christ Superstar
Jersey Boys
"Tim's incredible enthusiasm and passion for the art of singing is in itself contagious, coupled with an extraordinary knowledge of technique makes this web site a treasure trove for both the beginner and experienced singer.
Bridgitte Rennie
"Tim has a unique ablity to see and hear beyond the facade of the performer. He encouraged me to use my greatest asset - me! - my personality and my experiences in life. I have worked with so many vocal coaches, here in Australia and the UK and it is truly the first time that I felt someone rejoiced equally (if not more in some cases) with me in the sounds I was producing.
To be able to marry the physical mechanism of the voice and it's sensations with the sounds you want your instrument to produce is the most profound experience for me, one I have been searching for and trying to master for such a long time. Perhaps that makes me a slow learner, but I know this is due to a wonderful vocal craftsman. Thank you Mr Smith. I sob and tilt because of you!
"Hi Laura and Tim,
Thought it was time I dropped you guys a line to say hello and to say I hope all is well with you both but also to let you know about this current show and the wonderful crits etc that I’ve received - thanks to VA (Vocal Alchemy Online Singing Lessons.)
Check out:
http://www.brigittebadenrennie.com/whos-afraid-of-the-big-bad-wolf/ 3 min promo
and a venue programmers 10 min youtube footage from The Canterbury Festival (Spiegeltent) here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
for the original show in Feb in Adelaide
Heading back to Australia late December and hope to cross paths with you in the new year before returning to the UK
xxx B

Winston Hillyer
The Lion King - Germany
Showboat - Australia
Victorian College of the Arts
"Keep an open mind! - This is what I found Tim Smith to be all about.
I studied under his direction at the Victorian College of the Arts in Melbourne and in our first class this was the first thing he told us.
I had always been singing. Moving from singing teacher to singing teacher. But I always found them to be old-fashioned, expensive and boring!
But Tim Smith opened my mind and kept me intrigued - something I had never experienced with a teacher before. He had new and exciting ways to get me to reach the notes I had always wanted. And the techniques to help you get through an eight show week! Something I have found to be invaluable.
After finishing at the VCA, I was offered the role of Simba in the German production of the The Lion King where I put all of Tim's teaching's to work and still do today. He brought me to a complete understanding of my voice, and the connection it has with my body. I highly recommend Tim Smith to anyone who wants to sing like a pro!
Hear some of Winston's original pop recordings
Watch Winston singing "Endless Night" in the German production of THE LION KING
Amanda Muggleton
Shirley Valentine
Hello Dolly
Educating Rita
Mad Max
"One class with Tim Smith is worth ten classes with anybody else. As an actress first, singer second, Tim s approach is so uncomplicated and attainable. Some teachers are brilliant but don’t have the ability to get the techniques through to you. They sometimes frighten you with jargon and the unattainable. Tim has the gift of imparting his wonderful knowledge in not only easy ways but with great fun. His attitude to his work is utterly professional . He has helped me in so many ways.
In the big musicals I have done, he is often the one I turn to if I am having trouble with a phrase or rhythm . He is always there for me. In solo performance for TV or Cabaret he has given me the confidence , stamina and techniques you need to get through. He is brilliant in helping with auditions too. Classes are fun and relaxed but very serious so you always feel you have achieved something when you leave. He makes you want to do the work as he really encourages you to be the very best you can. I wish him and Laura all success with this brilliant idea.
Reuben Krum
"Because Tim is an artist himself, a lesson with Tim is not a tired repetition of exercises. It is a collaboration between him, and you. He takes both joy and pride in finding exactly what works for you, and more importantly, WHY?
Tim loves theatre. Fact. And he loves the human voice. And both hold endless fascination for him- and this passion comes through in his lessons, leaving you imbued with his enthusiasm and curiosity. Through Tim I learnt about singing because he made me want to.
Michael Cormick
Sunset Boulevard
Phantom of the Opera
Les Misèrables
Beauty and the Beast
"Tim's knowledge on vocal technique is astounding...
And his ability to convey the information just as strong.
Thanks for sharing.
Helen Noonan
Phantom of the Opera
Sweeney Todd
Opera Australia
Melbourne Theatre Company
Chamber Made Opera
Churchill Fellowship
Australia Council Fellowship
"I am thrilled to be working with Tim Smith. After a long career in opera and music theatre I decided to do more voice training to overcome some bad habits and to see how my instrument is holding up after years of professional use.
?I would have to say Tim Smith is the best teacher I have had the good fortune to work with in forty years of professional performing life. He knows the physical instrument like a surgeon. Knows the structure of the sound human beings make when they sing. Knows music, musical styles, and the variety of commercial professional voice use, from rock to classical. With a precision I have only experienced before in Iyengar yoga, Tim can hear by listening how muscles and pathways are working, and where tension is held.
I can't recommend Tim Smith highly enough.
I only wish I had met him when I was 20 (but then he would not have been born!!)."
Anthony Costanzo
We Will Rock You
The Music of Andrew Llyod Webber
"I first met Tim Smith in a Disney audition in 1998 and later went on to work with him professionally for a number of years – That was the foundation of a very lucrative relationship as both teacher and friend. Having had basic singing training, Tim and I embarked on a journey to cut, shape and polish my voice into the diamond that would last me the remainder of my professional career.
As a vocal coach, Tim has an exceptional gift of combining all elements of performance. He not only focused on the development of my voice, but on the relationship between the voice, the actor and the artist in whole. His endless knowledge of technique allowed him to sculpt and steer my voice in any direction, providing me with endless tools that I use to this day.
Above all, Tim teaches from the heart. His passion and persistence is evident in his meticulous attention to the remarkable results he continues to produce. Testament to his teaching is the many fine vocalists who are currently working professionals and personal friends of mine.
I owe Tim a great deal of gratitude for his guidance, encouragement and support over the years – and for that, he has mine for all his future endeavors.
In the big musicals I have done, he is often the one I turn to if I am having trouble with a phrase or rhythm . He is always there for me. In solo performance for TV or Cabaret he has given me the confidence , stamina and techniques you need to get through. He is brilliant in helping with auditions too. Classes are fun and relaxed but very serious so you always feel you have achieved something when you leave. He makes you want to do the work as he really encourages you to be the very best you can. I wish him and Laura all success with this brilliant idea.
Alicia Attwood
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Victorian College of the Arts
"Just wanted to say it was so good to sing with you again today! I forgot how inspiring you were, such a joy to learn from you!
Tony Appleby
"I’ve told a few of you about this already. I’ve been writing songs & musicals with Tim Smith for almost ten years now. He also has a distinguished music theatre career as current MD for “Mamma Mia”, Assistant MD for “Billy Elliot the Musical” & Assistant MD/Vocal Coach for “The Lion King”,in Australia and China as well as hundreds of other projects including setting up & running some of the most prestigious music theatre courses in the country. He’s also known as one of the best and most technically knowledgeable singing teachers in the country. Being in such high demand his private lessons are understandably priced accordingly, often beyond the financial means of many singers.
Tim is now starting a new venture – VOCAL ALCHEMY.COM.AU These online lessons are VERY reasonably priced, can be run a million times if you like until you’re ready to move on and give you quality, technical and inspiring lessons from someone who actually knows what they’re talking about. I’d highly recommend checking it out.

Dougie Walker
Universal Studios Japan
"I have been working professionally as a singer and dancer for the last 5 years.I have been lucky enough to have been taught by Tim Smith. I find his lessons inspiring and beneficial. In the short time I had with Tim I found that his knowledge and his ability to explain technique in a clear concise way was second to none. The changes he made to my voice were astounding! Despite having lessons from other people for a number of years, I was stunned at the how quickly these changes occurred compared with my earlier teachers.
I now feel when I am singing it is more organic. I find that my singing requires less effort to make a better sound. I am thrilled that Vocal Alchemy is here. The more people that can benefit from this amazing source of knowledge the better! I also cannot wait for Tim to make his way to Scotland for masterclass! An amazing opportunity.