Elite Voice Series |
Welcome to Vocal Alchemy
Your journey begins here, into the limitless vocal freedom, expression and magic that is the world of Vocal Alchemy. Click on the video thumbnails to the left to begin.
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VA Lesson 1
A thousand breaths, a thousand sounds. That's the heart of Vocal Alchemy and we begin exploring this by sharing around the love!
VA Lesson 2
Can you breathe in the same way a jumbo jet flies, or the way a yacht sails in the afternoon breeze? (In this lesson you'll learn exactly that and it will change your singing forever!) |
VA Lesson 3
Pushing and pulling at the same time gets you nowhere! It's time to let go and begin to fly!
VA Lesson 4
Many singers try to shove square pegs into round holes when they sing. Bad idea! Are you one of those? |
VA Lesson 5
Maximise every sound you make with your free, inbuilt amplifier!
VA Lesson 6
What have you learned so far? |
VA Lesson 7
Musicians blow into trumpets, flutes and saxophones in three very different ways. With your voice, you can do the same too! |
VA Lesson 8
Sit-ups are for the gym! Let's begin looking at what "supporting the voice" REALLY means! |
VA Lesson 9
Having trouble singing higher? Then learn to get out of first gear! |
VA Lesson 10
Massively improve your singing with these simple yet super-effective ideas! |
VA Lesson 11
By now you've got lots of new skills. Let's go over them one more time. |
VA Lesson 12
Now that you've got the basics mastered, it's time to speed everything up and see where all this dedicated work can really take you. |
VA Lesson 13
Classical singing 101! This is the fastest easiest way to unlock those classically-based sounds you always thought were too difficult! |
VA Lesson 14
Go on! Move all those odd things in your throat ...I dare you! |
VA Lesson 15
Freer sound than you ever imagined possible! And you don't even do it with your voice you do it with your heart! How easy is that?! |
VA Lesson 16
Let's start to get those vowels in the right place and increase resonance! (If your friends think you're a big mouth, then this lesson's for you!) |
VA Lesson 17
Don't get left behind. Stop here for a wine - or perhaps a coke - and take in the nice view. Don't miss anything! |
VA Lesson 18
Amazing ideas that simplify singing higher in any style. It really works! |
VA Lesson 19
Some singers call it 'twang'. But really it's a secret weapon! ( It will help take your voice to places you've only ever dreamed of!) |
VA Lesson 20
THE contemporary singing secret that helps you sing even higher. And best of all it's really easy and feels great! |
VA Lesson 21
You really shouldn't put garlic, pepper or coriander in a chocolate cake but in your singing you can do anything and this lesson shows you how! |
VA Lesson 22
Don't get left behind! Take the time to smell the roses here for a moment. |
VA Lesson 23
You've waited long enough! Now it's time to begin releasing your inner ROCK GOD! |
VA Lesson 24
Let's make your belt rock-solid and safe as the Bank of England! |
VA Lesson 25
When some singers belt it sounds like awful yelling and you just want them to stop! Use these Vocal Alchemy techniques to belt with all the heart you can muster and begin wearing your ROCK GOD badge with pride! |
VA Lesson 26
Some of those African singers sound sooooooo...well you know how they sound! Here are their secrets. Now you try! |
VA Lesson 27
Phew! I'm exhausted after all that belting! Let's settle down and make sure we've got all the bits of the puzzle in the right place. |
VA Lesson 28
The onion just keeps getting taller and fatter all the time! PERFECT! |
VA Lesson 29
Super high, super loud, super resonant and super free but super safe as well! (SHHHHHH...keep this super-voice technique a secret!) |
VA Lesson 30
Everything you ever wanted to know about vibrato but were afraid to ask and Tim shows you how! |
VA Lesson 31
If you want bland singing...go somewhere else! If you want to sing with all the colours of the rainbow make this lesson an essential part of your singing toolbox. |
VA Lesson 32
Let's put it ALL together into one simple, logical and practical package that you'll wish you learnt years ago! |